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Gallery Shortcode

Paste the above shortcode into a post or page to show the gallery.

Retina Support

Add retina support to this gallery by choosing the different pixel densities you want to enable.

PLEASE NOTE : thumbnails will be generated for each of the pixel densities chosen, which will increase your website's storage space!

Gallery Sorting

Change the way images are sorted within your gallery. By default, they are sorted in the order you see them.

PLEASE NOTE : sorting randomly will force HTML Caching for the gallery to be disabled.


Clear all the previously cached thumbnails that have been generated for this gallery.

Featured Image

Gallery Items

Your gallery is currently empty. Add items to see a preview.

Gallery Settings

Hover Effects
Install our separate FooBox Lightbox plugin so that your gallery images will open in a beautiful responsive lightbox. Install it now!
If you choose to use the Custom theme, then you will need to provide your own Custom CSS in order to style the gallery to suit your needs.
A preset provides a stylish and pre-defined look & feel for when you hover over the thumbnails.
You can change when captions are shown using the "Hover Effects -> Caption Visibility" setting.


Custom CSS

Add any custom CSS to target this specific gallery. For example #foogallery-gallery-3031 { }