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What Happens if Your Home Becomes a Crime Scene and Why You Need Crime Scene Cleanup Help in Exton, PA

Your property has just become a crime scene. There may have been a robbery, shooting, or other traumatic event involving the injury or death of another human being. You’re beside yourself – where do you go from here? What are you supposed to do next? Many people panic in these situations. They feel lost and scared. Thankfully, we have information that can help you move forward and make good decisions in the middle of your confusion, feelings of vulnerability, and pain. If you live in Exton, PA and don’t know about your options, including crime scene cleanup help, keep reading.


Call 911

Your head might be spinning, but you need to call 911 immediately. It’s important to try to stay calm and keep your head clear so you can speak to the officers who will come to your home. You don’t have to stay inside your home, especially if you feel you’re in danger or the person responsible for the trauma is still there. However, you need to let the 911 dispatcher know where you’re going. Above all, don’t touch anything (unless someone on the scene needs help). Leave the aftermath to the police and biohazard cleanup company.


Know Your Rights

Know that you might be considered a suspect depending on the circumstances and the type of trauma (ex: homicide or assault). Call your attorney after you call 911. He or she will let you know about your rights and provide support.


Get Support

Look into support groups who will help you recover emotionally from the event. Our crime scene cleanup company can provide the names of certified professionals if you need them.

Find Reliable Crime Scene Cleanup Help

Contact ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration of Exton, PA for reliable crime scene cleanup assistance. When a situation occurs and your home requires professional trauma cleanup, let the experts handle the task. We can be reached here or call us at (610) 524-8003.