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Common Trauma Cleanup Myths and Why You Should Hire a Cleaning Team for Your Newtown Square, PA, Business

A traumatic event doesn’t just have emotional and mental consequences; it also leaves something behind that needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible. If you own a Newtown Square, PA, business and need to clean up a crime scene, car accident, or other trauma, you’re probably carrying a few myths with you as you consider your options. Do you need to hire a cleanup crew? Is it true what some people say about crime scene cleanup?

Myth #1: Trauma Cleanup Crews Don’t Respect Victims

This simply isn’t true. Crew members are doing a job, and they’ve seen a lot throughout their years of experience, but this doesn’t mean they don’t care about what happened. This doesn’t mean they’re not concerned about the victims or anything else connected to the traumatic event. A professional trauma cleanup team knows the importance of showing respect. They will not be unprofessional during such a difficult and often painful time.

Myth #2: The Police Clean Up Crime Scenes

Many people assume that once photos have been taken and everything has been examined, the police will come back to clean up the scene of the crime or accident. Typically, this isn’t done. The property owner is responsible for this job, and it’s important to handle it in a responsible manner. Never attempt to treat the scene of a trauma yourself with household cleaners, as you could spread hazardous materials around your business and put yourself at risk.

Myth #3: Tax Payers Pay for Trauma Cleanup

Some people think their tax dollars pay for trauma scene cleanups. Unfortunately, it’s up to the property owner to pay for the cleanup.

It’s very important to hire a professional and reliable trauma cleanup company for the job. They will know exactly how to handle the situation.

The economic burden of trauma accounts for $671 billion a year. Contact the professionals at ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration of Newtown Square, PA, for reliable trauma cleanup assistance.