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Hoarding Cleanup Has 3 Core Components in West Chester, PA


Hoarding disorders are notoriously delicate and complex situations, especially when dealing with a loved one’s behavior. Hoarding disorders have many mental health issues associated with them, and while it can be frustrating to see how those symptoms manifest, you need to remember your loved one is struggling with his or her own emotions and life stresses. A significant moment in the recovery process is when you and your loved one can get to the point of cleaning up a space exposed to hoarding. Despite the positive step forward of cleaning up the space, the cleanup process itself can be daunting and even dangerous. If you’re working with a loved one to restore his or her home to a cleaner, safer space after hoarding, the best choice you can make is to seek professional help. ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration offers comprehensive services for hoarding cleanup in West Chester, PA, and the surrounding area to return any hoarder space to pre-loss conditions for the long term.

Hoarding Cleanup

Because there are so many symptoms of a hoarding disorder, hoarding spaces frequently have dangerous conditions like falling hazards and pathogens. Even after objects and debris are removed from a hoarding space, other safety issues such as mold and bacteria can remain. That’s why your best option is to contact a professional for any type of hoarding cleanup. Our technicians have the training, tools, and solutions to fully and quickly restore a hoarding space to a clean, safe environment.

We have three core components to our cleanup process for any hoarder space.


Safety for you, your loved one, and our staff is our No. 1 concern with every hoarding cleanup process. Before beginning the cleaning, we assess the safety issues we will be handling. This could include structural damage, hidden stairways, tripping hazards, animals, mold, weapons, poor air quality, sharp objects, narcotics, and more. We set strict safety guidelines and procedures for cleanup after taking into consideration how each safety issue will be handled.


All personal belongings, including furniture, clothing, appliances, electronics, documents, and jewelry are packed out carefully to a secure location offsite. We work to restore, salvage, or replace all damaged items and remove dangerous biohazards when necessary. Packing out a hoarder space completely allows us to address the building conditions separately from items’ conditions for a faster restoration.


Our technicians have specialized tools to diagnose the conditions of a building that has been exposed to hoarding. This includes pinpointing hidden mold, water damage, structural damage as well as faulty electrical systems, plumbing, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVACs). With reconstruction, repairs, sanitation, and air quality inspections, we can fully reverse all the effects of hoarding.

If you are dealing with a space in need of hoarding cleanup in West Chester, PA, we can help. Contact ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration at (610) 524-8003 to reach our main office in Exton, PA.

You can reach our Westchester office at (610) 431-3553, our Newtown Square office at (610) 353-3240, and our Norristown office at (610) 354-9909. For emergencies, contact us at (610) 524-8003.