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How to Keep Your Home Safe for Your “Children” (and What Carpet Cleaning Has to Do with It) in King of Prussia, PA

We all love our “children,” whether they be furry adoptions or human offspring, and we want them to feel happy and safe in our homes. We want them to live out their days with joy, especially during the holidays. And, of course, we want to keep them healthy, too. But while it’s great to make sure they eat the right foods and get their daily exercise, we may not be doing all we can to ensure they’re truly safe. We may miss a few issues that, as caregivers, we should be aware of, whether our “children” are very young or getting on in age. So what should you do to keep your home safe? Aside from carpet cleaning (this will be explained shortly), what else should you do? Keep reading….



Use Caution in the Kitchen While You Cook

No matter how old your “children” are, you need to be careful when you’re using the stove or any cooking utensils. Don’t leave knifes and other sharp objects out on the counter. Don’t leave flammable items such as paper towels too close to the stovetop. Don’t put long tablecloths on your table, as small hands, paws, or teeth could pull them down, bringing any utensils or dishes with hot food along with the tablecloth. Should you need to leave the kitchen for any reason and your “children” are there, make sure a responsible adult is around to supervise, even if you don’t think it’s necessary.


Inspect Each Room in Your Home for Potential Hazards

Check for any loose cords in your rooms, hide matches and lighters, and make sure not to leave out any cleaning supplies when you’re not using them.

Plus, if you really want to be thorough, look into professional carpet cleaning. Your carpet could be filled with allergens such as dust and pet dander, and a cleaning company can help you get rid of these issues. Should you come across bodily fluids such as blood, don’t attempt to clean it up yourself; instead, call a trauma cleanup company.

Contact ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration of King of Prussia, PA, for professional carpet cleaning help. We can be reached directly online or call by phone at (610) 524-8003.