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Helping Your Pet Recover From Trauma and the Importance of Trauma Cleanup in Exton, PA

Some people think that only humans can experience trauma. It doesn’t occur to them that man’s best friend can also be traumatized by a terrible event. This can include being attacked by another animal or human. When a dog does experience trauma, it’s important for the owner to do what they can to help them recover (or at least lead a good life afterward). As the trauma cleanup experts of Exton, PA, ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration wants to help all members of your family recover. Here are a few tips for helping your furry friends cope after a trauma.

Take Them to the Vet

If your pet experienced physical trauma, it’s important to take them to the vet as quickly as possible. The vet will examine your pet, treat any injuries, and be able to advise you on what to do next.

Give Them a Safe Space

After trauma, your pet may feel unsafe and anxious. Set aside a room in your home where they can go for peace and quiet, preferably away from the trauma scene, and don’t allow other animals to go inside.

Read to Them

Believe it or not, even the tensest dog will relax and feel calmer when you sit down close to them and read to them. It doesn’t matter what you read—it could be a novel, it could be the back of a cereal box, or it could be an email. As long as your voice is steady and calm, and you’re friendly and don’t stand up suddenly, this action will make a difference. There are actually many programs out there that allow children to read to dogs, and both of them will benefit.

Call a Trauma Cleanup Company

If the trauma occurred in your home or on your property, a trauma cleanup company can help your entire family recover by cleaning up the aftermath. You should never try to do this on your own as bodily fluids can carry pathogens, threatening the health of those who come into contact with them.

The professionals at ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration have the specialized training and equipment required to tackle any trauma cleanup scenario.

Contact ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration of Exton, PA, at (610) 524-8003 for reliable trauma cleanup services.