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How to Prevent Toilet Clogging and Avoid Sewage Cleanup in West Chester, PA

A clogged toilet can happen anywhere, be it in a house, apartment, office building, or restaurant. And when a toilet overflows and spews everything in it across the floor, it’s inconvenient, smelly, and it can lead to the need for professional sewage cleanup. And it’s not just smells you have to worry about – overspill from a clogged toilet can also lead to damaged flooring, costly repairs, and months of stress. Thankfully, you can prevent clogged toilets if you know what steps you can take. Please check out the information below, and should you find yourself in need of sewage cleanup, call ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration immediately at (610) 431-3553. We will be happy to help you.

 Don’t Treat a Toilet Like a Garbage Can or Garbage Disposal

If it’s not toilet paper, and it didn’t come from your body, it shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet. The list of items that should never be flushed is long and includes things like baby wipes, feminine napkins, food, diapers, and cotton swabs. And, according to many sources, even ‘Flushable Wipes’ should never be flushed! These items can quickly clog your plumbing, cause an overflow, and not only lead to the need for sewage cleanup, but biohazard cleanup as well. If it’s trash, put it in the garbage, not the toilet! Make sure your children understand this, and if you think it might help, put up a sign in the bathroom stating what shouldn’t be flushed.

Don’t Allow Problems to Linger

We completely understand how easy it is to get caught up in other things. Dance recitals. Thanksgiving dinner planning. Sick days. However, it’s important to do what you can to make sure the plumbing in your house is in good condition. Don’t be afraid to call a plumber if you think there may be a problem – failure to do this could lead to greater issues in the future.

Sewage Cleanup

Contact ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration of West Chester, PA to use our services or find out more about sewage cleanup. We can be reached here or at (610) 431-3553.