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Sewage Cleanup Safely Handled in Your Frazer, PA, Business

biohazard cleanup technicians

A sewage mishap at your Frazer, PA, place of business can throw off revenue for weeks, if not months. Even if the initial mess is cleaned, business owners may still find themselves struggling with lingering smells or stains that can be off-putting to prospective clients. Rather than letting a single unfortunate incident color your entire business, you should request in-depth sewage cleanup to restore your building and business to its pre-disaster state. ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration is here to offer that necessary cleaning and more.

Initial Sewage Cleanup

The first stage of sewage cleanup centers around removing any obvious mess, stains, or smells that accompany a sewer disaster. This is often what people think of when they picture sewage cleanup. Each impacted surface is meticulously sanitized and restored, including floors, ceilings, and everything in between.

Some business owners might consider attempting surface cleaning on their own, but even if this aspect of sewage cleanup seems simple, it’s still important to leave it to professionals because of the potential health hazards. In fact, if you experience a sewage incident at your place of business, the safest choice is always to leave all of the cleaning to professionals.

In-Depth Biohazard Cleaning

It’s important to keep in mind that sewage mishaps are accompanied by biohazards. Biohazards can be invisible to the naked eye, but have the potential to render a person incredibly sick with just minimal contact. That’s why the second part of professional sewage cleanup centers around biohazard cleaning and removal. Our professional cleaners are equipped with protective gear, years of experience, and specialized biohazard cleaning tools that allow them to navigate the impacted space risk free.

A good rule of thumb is to call the professionals as soon as the sewer disaster occurs. If your Frazer, PA, business has experienced sewage-related damages, and you’re struggling to recover, we can help. Call ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration at (610) 431-3553 or visit our website to find out more.